Life Circles

Life Circles

Monday, March 9, 2009

What a Monday!

Within an hour of starting dialysis this morning, the lady sitting next to me started throwing up. Not just a little, but alot. Unfortunately she threw up into my shoes. The nurses asked what I wanted to do with them and I said "throw them away!". I'm going to be sure to put my stuff on the other side of the chair next time.

It wouldn't have been too bad, except I was nearly out of gas and had to stop to get gas on the way home. I had a 50 cent per gallon discount from Tom Thumb and went looking for the Tom Thumb to get gas. So I'm standing outside pumping gas in my stocking feet since I had no shoes.

On the way back home I dropped something off I had promised Margaret and had to go to the door again in my sock feet.

What a Monday. At least my blood pressure is back up.

They had a new patient at the center this morning. She's about my age and totally overwhelmed by the dialysis. She had originally planned to not do the dialysis. She had told her doctor and her kids she would ratherdie than do the dialysis. When she passed out they took her to the hospital and started the dialysis. We had a nice talk and I told her to hold on and trust in God's plan for her. Its not always an easy thing to do, but I've learned he is the only one I can really trust to watch over me.

1 comment:

rosebud said...

Stocking feet! That is hilarious!! (although I know it didn't feel hilarious to you at the time)

Wordles From General Conference

Wordles From General Conference