Life Circles

Life Circles

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Create Beauty

When I saw my daughter's and her friends' pictures of Hawaii I thought of how beautiful God created this universe. There is so much beauty to be found.

When I went on the internet today, I saw the clip by Elder Uchtdorff on creating beauty and made it my thought for the day.

I have been still pondering over the medicare situation. When at the temple this morning the thought came to me to call my rep at my insurance company. When I got in my car I found she had called and left me a voice message. Coincidental? I think not. I called her right back and she gave me the answer I needed.

When I got home, I had a call from Social Security letting me know they had worked things out at my dialysis center.

I can see the Lord's hands in so many things. I have so much to be thankful for. Again, thank you Father for each new day.

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