Life Circles

Life Circles

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday and bathing of two dogs

Wow. I actually stayed out of the yard today. Yesterday I planted herbs and begonias. Well actually I almost forgot I did put a bag of mulch down this morning w
when I got home from dialysis.

With finances tight I've had to stop taking the dogs to the groomer and today tried my hand at grooming them. Not groomer quality, but ok. Lots of water everywhere and one of the dogs kept trying to escape but generally did really well.

1 comment:

rosebud said...

WOW! That makes bathing my two kids seem pretty easy. My mom always bathed her dogs and they loved the hairdryer, too. Good for you!!

I've started cutting Little Man's hair myself -- I'm not very good, but $12 a month for something I can pretty much manage is worth it!

Wordles From General Conference

Wordles From General Conference