Life Circles

Life Circles

Monday, February 16, 2009


Just got back from dialysis. It went well and my dry weight was down to 85.8. This is good. I think I must be losing some weight because I've not been eating near as much.

I see so many different people in dialysis at various stages of life. There are many who are elderly and to me, exercise a great deal of courage to be coming at that stage in life. One comes in a wheelchair and her husband sits with her the entire time she's there. Another one has struggled because her access hasn't done well by her.

The center is filling up fast. So fast they're having to add another shift and that moves my time to 6:00 a.m. Good thing its close to home. Maybe I'll get to sleep. I've not been able to so far. There's always the possibility . . .

I'm trying to keep up with putting a thought for the day down on my blog. Hopefully, someone somewhere will find inspiration in them.

Yeah ... my sister called and she is coming in town this weekend to see me. She is so wonderful. I'm glad to claim her as my sis.

Did some indexing tonight on the Arkansas marriage records for new family search. They take longer to do than some of the others. I keep hoping to run across some of my family in the process. So far, no luck though.

I'm so grateful to my Savior for watching over me and carrying me through so far. I hope to keep the faith and trust in him in all things. Thank you for each new day.


rosebud said...

keep it up -- that indexing is bricks toward our celestial mansion you know!

rosebud said...

btw: I love that quote. I am not sure I've seen it before, but I'm printing it off and putting it on my desk.

Wordles From General Conference

Wordles From General Conference