This morning there was a special stake conference held. Elder Rasband was visiting. They took the entire Plano Stake and split us into different buildings to watch the conference. We were meeting over at the Legacy chapel and unfortunately, the feed from Roundrock didn't work. We sang some hymns; watched a replay of Elder Holland's talk from April conference; and then Elder Rasband and President Wilding made it to the Legacy building.
President Wilding spoke of D&C 88 and suggested for the month of May we choose one item from the following scripture: 119a yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a b, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;
Organization and order have always been great challenges for me. When I worked at my last job I was in my element and had things well organized. However, home for me for the past 20 plus years has been a place I crashed, hung my hat, slept, ate, spent time with family and not much more.
I have been trying to bring organization into my life and home and order. My continuing challenge but one I'm praying about and trying to correct. So my challenge, President Wilding for the month of May is organization and order (both the same in my mind).
President Rasband's talk was inspiring and well worth staying over for. I love the definition he shared for "failure in the home." Don't ever give up on your children. I love my family and am so grateful for Steve and my children. Also about the safe harbor of home, family, temple, and the church.