Life Circles

Life Circles

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

16 October 2007

Today was quiet at work. I did some scanning this afternoon on family pictures on the Conine line and downloaded them to Flickr this evening for family to have access to them.

Joyce Davis spoke to me and said she'd seen Helen, my mother-in-law, earlier today and that she didn't appear to be doing well. I went by on my way home. She has seriously deteriorated over the last 2 weeks. I walked her from the front room and down the hall to her room and it took about 10 minutes. When I got her to her room, I had to lift her up and lay her in her bed. I took her shoes off and sat with her for awhile. I can't help but believe, her time is limited here.

I called Peggy when I left and updated her. I don't think I'll call her anymore. Its too upsetting to both of us.

I'm excited about my genealogy. I'm beginning to feel a real connection to my ancestors.


jk said...

Okay- I must say I'm really impressed- everytime I turn around you are learning a new skill or stretching youself. You are amazing! I'm very proud of my much older, skinnier sister!
Love ya-

Elizabeth Boyce said...

Dianne... It looks great! I would love to help you however I can. Give me a call or shoot me an email. What is it you are wanting to do?

Wordles From General Conference

Wordles From General Conference