Life Circles

Life Circles

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Lots has happened since I last posted. We had the memorial service for Helen on the 19th of March. Her kids were all here. Michael sang two songs - "I Heard Him Come" and "Face to Face". Steve did the Eulogy and Gordon Wright was the main speaker and the Caskeys did the prayer. Ruthie Powell did the organ. The lady that was to accompany Mike hurt her back at the last minute and a lovely young lady from one of the other wards did the piano.

I heard from the transplant coordinator yesterday. She said I would be approved as a candidate for transplant but only after they did a bi-lateral nephrectomy. In other words, remove both of my other kidneys. This is due to the number of infections my kidneys have caused that have put me in the hospital. The concern is that they would continue to do so after the transplant (as they are usually left it). This will put me on dialysis immediately.

I'm supposed to see Dr. Rinner.


Heather said...

This sounds a bit scary.

Unknown said...

My favorite comment anymore .. "it is what it is". I meet with my kidney specialist on the 29th and will know more then. I suspect he'll have me wait awhile. My sister says it sounds so final, but the truth is if the kidneys fail ... they're gone anyway. Just still inside.

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