Life Circles

Life Circles

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Another new month - don't forget to change your clocks!

I can't believe its the end of October and that November is tomorrow. It feels like its been a long 10 months and yet it seems to have flown by quickly as well. They say the older you get the faster the days go by and they're right.

Since I last wrote many changes have taken place in my life. The sister missionaries from our church have moved into the spare room here at home. They are wonderful. They bring alot of energy into my life and are good company when Steve is at work. Last night was great. They had bought miniature candy bars and attached pass along cards to them and handed them out to the kids when they came ringing on the door for halloween. It was so cute, one little boy was so excited and said to his Mom "It's God Candy!"

When they moved in we had Sister Richardson and Sister Finnell. They did transfers last week and so now we have Sister Richardson and Sister Beetso. Sister Richardson is from Utah and Sister Beetso is from Arizona. Sister Finnell was from California.

We had the garage sale of all garage sales. We cleaned alot of extras out of the house and over two weekends sold made about $2000.

I have become more comfortable with dialysis at home. I'm not near as anxious when I get on any more.

They called me to be a family history consultant. I work at the Family History Library on Tuesday afternoons. So far its been fairly quiet while I am there. I ordered two tapes of information on Independence County Arkansas and went through them and don't find any records on my family there. What was interesting was that they were court records and I found alot of the same people on the court records. Unfortunately, none were mine.

Daylight savings time. I forgot to change my clocks last night. Its an hour earlier than I thought when I got up.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Loved reading your blog. Need to rake leaves so I can't read all the past entries, but I'll be back!

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