Life Circles

Life Circles

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Its been a good day. I managed to get alot finished. Scrubbed floors, did laundry, cleaned the bathroom, washed the sheets.

Then cratered.

I keep trying to find any record I can find on Parthena Johnson. There has got to be a connection somewhere. Four generations back.

Dialysis is going well. The dr. came in yesterday and would like me to reach a point where I can do the dialysis from home. It would be a good thing and I'm sure I can do it. Its just the idea of poking myself.

Steve has been busy this week. Working on Monty's project and a few other side jobs. He is a good man.

Church tomorrow.

1 comment:

rosebud said...

Have you googled Parthena Johnson? I did and found a couple of hits -- you've probably already done that though, eh?

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